My name is Natalie and I am a wild + warm-hearted wife, mom of 2 (boys, age 9yo & 11mo), 2e content creator, bestselling author, and postpartum doula. Over the past 9 years I have resolved childhood trauma which unknowingly triggered severe anxiety as my son grew into a headstrong toddler who I could no longer control. Now I teach other 2e (twice exceptional – usually giftedness + ADHD) moms to find freedom from overwhelm through awareness + personal growth, even if they think they don't have a clue how to parent their exceptional kid(s).
For years I struggled to understand my ADHD child, despite the fact that I too have ADHD. I just couldn't figure out what the best choices were for him. I wish I'd had someone who'd been where I was, who could hold my hand, tell me all the options to try, encourage me to trust my gut, and help me know how to push for the treatment options that might help my son best. Now I've become that person, the cheerleader in your corner, sharing all the things I've learned, imparting all my knowledge, laying out all your options, and encouraging you to advocate for your child. You deserve to have that kind of help, and so does your kid!
Inside Glimmer you will get 6 weeks of live classes (1x/wk) plus a live Q+A, where you can get all your ADHD questions answered. I can't wait to see where this journey will take you! xoxo