My name is Natalie and I am a wild + warm-hearted wife, mom of 2 (boys, age 9yo & 11mo), 2e content creator, bestselling author, and postpartum doula. Over the past 9 years I have resolved childhood trauma which unknowingly triggered severe anxiety as my son grew into a headstrong toddler who I could no longer control. I've learned a lot in life, from my time spent as a preschool/daycare teacher with several special needs kids, to being a mom of a 2e kid, to myself growing up as a 2e kid and now a 2e mom. I've taken all the things I've learned along the way to teach other 2e moms to find freedom from overwhelm through awareness + personal growth, even if they think they don't have a clue how to parent their exceptional kid(s). Even if your kid seems like too much at times, you were entrusted with these children for a reason. You don't have to be a perfect mom, and we will work together until you feel like you are "good enough". Take heart, dear friend, you have found your village and we will help you through it. You don't have to feel alone any longer.